Edel Rohnfeld
Chair Yoga
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Edel Rohnfeld
Chair Yoga
published in 2011
» amazon: english book
» amazon: german book

Practice Yoga ...

and find your inner diamond.
Trust the process, allow yourself
to be led. Let it happen. Love your individuality, live it with joy.
Let your inner beauty shine through
the light of your inner diamond.

For your body and soul

Edeltraud Rohnfeld teaches chair yoga and classical yoga. Whichever form of yoga you decide to undertake, it will increase your confidence and help you to reach inner harmony. Yoga supports in the healing and prevention of physical and psychological illness e.g.

  • Migrain, diabetes, artritis, obesity, asthma and back problems
  • Respiratory, Circulatory, and Digestive problems
  • Psychological problems, e.g. panic attacks, depression, insomnia, ADHD
  • The whole body becomes more flexible, joints and spine remain subtle, the muscles strengthen, posture is improved, the circulation and lympathic system becomes stimulated and the inner organs benefit from an improved circulation of blood supply.

Conscious relaxation and meditation calm the mind. You surrender to the moment knowing that everything is taken care of. You learn to handle the ups and downs of everyday life. You learn to let go of inner pressure.In addition, yoga is well known to eradicate fatigue and generates energy and rejuvenates the body and mind.

Yoga excercises can be modified to suit all different skill levels and abilities.